NRP Policy Board NRP Phase II

The NRP Policy Board was established in 1990 to provide governance for the NRP. The Policy Board includes representatives from each of the NRP’s governing jurisdictions and representatives from neighborhoods, labor, private foundations, community groups and the State Legislature. The primary functions of the Policy Board are to provide overall direction to the NRP and to approve the Neighborhood Action Plans.

In 1998, the NRP Policy Board directed the formation of a NRP Phase II Steering Committee to oversee and manage the Phase II planning process. The Steering Committee is gathering input from the representative jurisdictions and the community, and will present a final report on the planning process and recommendations for Phase II to the full Policy Board by the end of 1999.

NRP Policy Board Governance Structure

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NRP Policy Board
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NRP Program

2001 NRP Policy Board

The Honorable Sharon Sayles Belton
Mayor, City of Minneapolis

Jackie Cherryhomes
President, Minneapolis City Council

Peter McLaughlin
Commissioner, Hennepin County Board

Mark Stenglein
Commissioner, Hennepin County Board

Gail Dorfman
Commissioner, Hennepin County Board

Catherine Shreves
Chair, Minneapolis Board of Education

Edward Solomon
President, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board

Diane Hofstede
Trustee, Minneapolis Library Board

Representative Karen Clark
Minnesota House Delegation

   Emmett Carson
President, The Minneapolis Foundation

James Colville
Director, United Way of Minneapolis Area

David M. Jennings
President, Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce

Dick Johnson
President, Minneapolis Central Labor Union

John A. Powell
Executive Director, Institute on Race & Poverty

Nicholas Kakos
Protection Neighborhood Representative

Holliar Tyner II
Redirection Neighborhood Representative

Jeffrey Strand
Revitalization Neighborhood Representative

Judy Schwartau
At-Large Neighborhood Representative

2001 NRP Policy Board Alternates

Earnest Belton
Commissioner, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board

Rev. Albert Gallmon
Director, Minneapolis Board of Education

Clareyse Nelson
Redirection Neighborhood Alternate

Ken Kelash
Minneapolis Central Labor Union

Byron Laher
United Way of Minneapolis

Barret W.S. Lane
Minneapolis City Council Member

   Joanne Walz
The Minneapolis Foundation

Gretchen Nicholls
At-Large Neighborhood Alternate

Denise Stephens
Greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce

Ron Thaniel
Alternate for Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton

Joe Mullery
Minnesota House Delegation Alternate

NRP Phase II Steering Committee Members

Jackie Cherryhomes
Chair – Minneapolis City Council President

Sharon Sayles Belton
Mayor, City of Minneapolis

Mark Stenglein
Hennepin County Commissioner and NRP Policy Board Chair

Gretchen Nicholls
Neighborhood Representative

Ken Kelash
Labor Representative

Diane Hofstede
Minneapolis Library Board President
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