The Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) is developing its web site. We have created this short survey to identify which NRP-related information you would like available on the web. The information collected from this survey will help us appropriately tailor our site to your needs. Your responses to this questionnaire are greatly appreciated!

Although this survey targets Minneapolis residents, we welcome responses from all vistors to our site.

Section One | Tell us a little about yourself.

First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Email Address

Are you? Check which is most applicable.
Neighborhood Resident Neighborhood Organization Volunteer/Officer
Neighborhood Organization Staff Public Agency Staff
Elected Official Affiliated w/ an academic institution
Affiliated w/ a non-profit agency

Section Two | Tell us about your computer & internet use.

1. What is your computer skill level?
Beginner Intermediate Advanced

2. How often do you use the internet?
Less than once per month 1 - 3 times per month
1 - 6 times per week Daily

3. Does your web browser allow you to use/see frames?
Yes No Not Sure

4. What is your modem speed?
Under 9600 baud/kbps 9600 baud/kbps 14,400 baud/kbps
28,800 baud/kbps 33,600 baud/kbps or higher

Section Three | Where do you get your NRP-related information, and what type of information do you use?

5. Where do you get your NRP-related information? Select all that apply.
NRP Staff City Staff NRP Link
NRP Clips NRP Video Library NRP Trainings
City Events Calendar Neighborhood Newsletter Community Newspaper
Metro Newspaper Television Neighborhood Residents
Neighborhood Organization Neighborhood Businesses
Other Public Staff (i.e: Park Staff, Library Staff, School Staff, County Staff, etc.)
Other - Please Specify

6. From the above list, where do you get NRP-related information most frequently?
Please specify one

7. Which of the following NRP program & policy resources do you use? Select all that apply.
NRP Primer NRP Progress Report
Printed NRP Training Material NRP Training Video Tapes
"How NRP Funds Can Be Used" NRP Neighborhood Legal Advisories
NRP Funding Agreement Guidelines NRP Policy Board Adopted Policies
Action Plan Samples "First Step" Plan Samples
"Early Access" Proposal Samples NRP Plan Modification Forms
Other - Please Specify

8. From the above list, which resource do you use most frequently?
Please specify one

9. Which of the following NRP contracting resources do you use? Select all that apply.
Contract Samples Scope of Service Samples
NRP Neighborhood Legal Advisories NRP Funding Agreement Guidelines
"How NRP Funds Can Be Used"
Other - Please Specify

10. Which of the following directories do you use? Select all that apply.
Neighborhood Organization Directory NRP Staff Directory
Other - Please Specify

Section Four | Which NRP-related resources would you access via the Internet?

11. From the following list, select the 5 most important resources to be included in our web site.
Management Review Team Meeting Schedule Policy Board Meeting Schedule
Calendar of NRP-related Events NRP Link
NRP Primer NRP Progress Report
Neighborhood Organization Directory NRP Staff Directory
Printed NRP Training Materials Catalog of NRP Training Videos
"How NRP Funds Can Be Used" NRP Neighborhood Legal Advisories
NRP Funding Agreement Guidelines NRP Policy Board Adopted Policies
Action Plan Samples "First Step" Plan Samples
"Early Access" Proposal Samples NRP Plan Modification Forms
Contract Samples Scope of Service Samples

12. In the space below, please identify any additional information
or resources you would like to see on our site.

Section Five | Tell us what you think.

13. In the space below, please include your suggestions and ideas on how we can design
an easy-to-use site that meets your information needs.

For more information about the NRP, our web site, or this survey, please contact us at:
    Minneapolis NRP
    425 Crown Roller Mill
    105 Fifth Avenue South
    Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA

Or, email your request to:

General information about the NRP is also available on our web site.

Pop to the Top | NRP Home Page

Please email the NRP internet team concerning any problems encountered at this site. Thank you.
Copyright © 1997/98 - Minneapolis Neighborhood Revitalization Program, Mpls MN