TEAMWORKS is a research and management consulting firm based in San Francisco, California. Its clients include foundations, corporations, nonprofit organizations, and government. The firm was created in l985 and has managed several hundred projects. To best serve clients, TEAMWORKS partners with other organizations and people, recruiting top talent who work as sub-contractors. This approach enriches the range of experience, skill and perspectives brought to a project. For the NRP evaluation Neil Mayer made important contributions to the research design and managed much of the statistical work; Gabriel Kasper and Jack Sylvan mastered the databases and conducted extensive statistical analyses. Candace Campbell ably used her local insight, making critical contributions to the report. We would like to also acknowledge Melissa Diamant who assiduously gathered many of the databases used for this project. Finally, Renee Berger directed the overall project and was deeply involved in all phases of its production from design, through data analysis, to authorship. | |||||||||
9 Van Buren Street San Francisco, CA 94131 Tel: 415.469.0300 Fax: 415.469.0304 |
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