The NRP's annual revenue of $20 million comes from the Minneapolis Community Development Agency's (MCDA) Common Project.

Planting at the Stevens Square Neighborhood
Freeway Overlook - Constructed with NRP Funding
The Common Project was established in 1989 by the Minneapolis City Council so that the revenue generated from particular tax increment districts could be used to meet some of the critical redevelopment needs of Minneapolis neighborhoods. The NRP revenues received from this fund are public and must be used for public purposes, in accordance with the Minnesota State Law that established the NRP.

Because the cost of physical revitalization alone is estimated at over $3 billion, the NRP's 2O-year funding of $400 million cannot meet all the needs of City neighborhoods. Therefore, NRP funds function as "start-up" money for the revitalization of Minneapolis neighborhoods and the Program emphasizes:
  • identification of human resources and other assets that can be used to implement the Action Plans;
  • increased intra- and intergovernmental collaboration to prevent duplication of efforts and to streamline the delivery of public services;
  • redirection of jurisdictional budgets (the City, the County, the Public Schools, Parks and Libraries) to address strategies in Neighborhood Action Plans; and
  • using NRP funds to leverage other community resources to fill funding gaps remain.
Copyright © 1997 - Minneapolis NRP, Mpls MN